Open A Power Wheelchair Rental Business With SpotnStay Rental Management Software For Effective Growth

Over the past few years, the cloud-based software has steadily penetrated all industries, including rental service too. In the modern era, hundreds of people can easily become entrepreneurs by renting their equipment. This can be done by an application platform for gathering people’s attention to business efficiency and cost benefits.

When it comes to the rental business, a wheelchair has more demands on the market. People are used to renting a wheelchair for a certain period of time rather than owning it. Do you know? The global value for a wheelchair in the market in 2018 is valued at 2.3 bn USD. it is expected to show a growth of 7.6% between 2019 to 2026.

The demand for the power wheelchair rental service startup is high, it is an easy way to gain revenue in a short period of time. If you’re interested to enter the rental industry then you must take a look at the power wheelchair rental software. This blog is all about the power wheelchair rental business and rental management software.

How To Start A Power Wheelchair Rental Business With All Amenities? 

Once you decide to start the rental business, then you must think about the application. Yes, without application support, you aren’t able to earn all amities in the rental business. Nowadays people are looking for online shopping with an application platform you are allowed to reach your customer’s expectations at their doorstep.

One of the top benefits of using cloud-based rental software is cost efficiency as well as they are more effective. With the help of the cloud-based service, your users can access it from anywhere easily without any lack. You as an admin can access your rental business application from a different location.

It gives the right accurate details of your application and the rented details. When you get adapted to a rental management software your rental business workflows have become smoother. Moreover, there is no need to maintain the rental details in an excel sheet or notebook, everything will be instantly saved in the cloud.

This reduces the mandatory errors and enhances the rental business quickly. Once you provide the best service rental platform for your customers and rentee. They will be happier to get modified according to your service schemes too. Yes, once they feel your platform is easier to rent their wheelchairs then they are ready to pay you more than commission fee.

But this can happen only when you have one such application platform. Where the renter is allowed to rent their wheelchairs without any restriction. No more worries, you’re at the right place. Here, in SpotnStay you will be getting one such solution at an affordable price with all essential feature tools, and additional revenue schemes to enhance the business revenue.

Customize your business demands with SpotnStay power wheelchair rental management software

We are well experienced in the rental management software application development so that we are able to understand the entrepreneur’s point of view clearly. Everyone must have a different business plan before starting their rental business, it may vary according to the destination but our software is more customizable. 

Yes, SpotnStay software application is more flexible and it is a readymade solution. Therefore you are able to get the application quickly. Since it is more customizable, you’re allowed to get the complete application in a short period of time according to your business demands and feature lists. 

Our software application has made the rental collaboration simpler. The renter and the customer are able to access the rental management software from any location when their device is connected with the internet. Most probably the real-time collaboration is tougher in the rental business management. 

In SpotnStay software service, you’re benefited from the cloud-based solution. Therefore, the collaboration has made it simple and efficient. Our application gives 100% security to your power wheelchair rental business. You can upgrade your application storage anytime with the cloud service. 

We have designed and developed the application with the essential feature tools that makes your rental business task easier within a few taps. Here, let me share with you the essential feature tools that are readily available in SpotnStay. Keep reading to know about the feature tools and additional revenue schemes in the upcoming section.

Reasons for customer’s Selection of Your Rental service as the first choice

When it comes to the power wheelchair rental management software, you must be well aware of the features. Because people will get bored if they feel the feature tool is unwanted for a particular business. So we have developed the needed feature tools if you want any other features it can also be added shortly.

  • Rental registration – this is the foremost step to get started with your application service. To not make the customers bored with the long process we have developed the registration prosecco to be simple. With the help of social media accounts, the customers can log-in easily and they can place their orders quickly.
  • Outlining the wheelchairs – To make the service provider’s workflow uncomplicated we have developed this feature. It helps the service provider to check the in-stock wheelchairs and what wheelchairs are rented. This feature also helps the service provider with the maintenance by sending a reminder.
  • Order management – Managing the orders at the pick time is quite a tough job. Yes, the service provider will be feeling more complicated at the pickup time. But with the help of this feature, the service providers can easily manage their orders. They can also sort the book orders and scheduled orders easily. 
  • Easy to access the data – As I mentioned before, SpotnStay software helps the admin and the service providers to track all their customer’s data. This gives detailed information about the particular rented customer as well as the order placed customers. This gives more transparency in the service. 
  • Easy to track – You as an admin, you’re allowed to track all the users and the activity that takes place in your rental application platform. The admin dashboard is a centralized one so that everything will be instantly updated in the dashboard. This helps the admin to track all the information without any missing data.

Get Profit benefits with SpotnStay additional revenue schemes

With the help of our software application, you as an admin are allowed to start the rental services to the individual persons, and private hospitals. Other than the commission on each booking you are allowed to get more additional income by getting adapted to the below-listed scheme as follows 

Act as a rental platform – In this business model, you’re permitting the third-party (service providers) to rent their wheelchairs in your application. In this, you will be getting benefited as a commission for each booking. Still, you’re not satisfied with the commission cost. You can cost them the following scheme.

  • Service membership – This acts as a basic plan, the service provider has to pay a certain amount to create an account as a service provider in your platform. This lets them list a few wheelchairs and they are allowed to get the orders. In this plan, the commission percentage is a little high if the service provider wants to list more and less commission they have to look into the next scheme.
  • Unlock premium listing – The basic plan for the service provider will let them list certain wheelchairs only. So that they are not able to get more bookings. If they list more wheelchairs, customers will get more ideas about your service and they will be placing their needed wheelchairs quickly. 
  • Service promotion – The service provider is allowed to promote their service if they pay the service promotion scheme. This lets them promote their service in-app. So that the customers are allowed to check the service offers and discounts easily. This lets the customers place the orders quickly.

Peer to peer business model – This business model acts as one of the high revenue gained models. In this, you as an admin are allowed to rent your wheelchairs to the private hospitals. You can tie-up with private hospitals for more bookings on your products. They will benefit from the following promotions.

  • Hospital membership – The hospital can get their membership with your application service for a year. This lets them rent your wheelchairs at a reasonable price for rent and they will be paying a commission on each booking. They will also be getting the first priority when it comes to renting the wheelchairs.
  • Marketing promotion – The hospital can also promote their service in your application like an advertisement. This lets the customers get the right treatment information as well as the offers on the specific treatments. If they want a promotion,  the hospital can get sign-up with this scheme in your application service. 
  • Member forum – This lets the private hospitals communicate with the admin. This helps the relationship to grow and they can give forms for the queries. This form will be listed in the application so that the customers can get free consultancy for a certain time by filling those forms. This is one of the ways to gather patient attention.

The choice is yours; you can cost each of them differently or as a pack of whole schemes. Both the business models give equal revenue growth according to the location you’re choosing to place your rental business. 

Bottom line

Globally the increase of geriatric pollution there is a rise in the disorders too. Therefore the need for wheelchairs is rapidly increasing. Moreover, the people who get leg fractures are in need of a wheelchair for a certain period that fuels the rental market. In SpotnStay, you will get benefited from the rental management software with needed features. 

This feature makes the rentee order process simple and quick. Therefore the rentee can easily place their orders. To join your hands with us, please fill the form below with your business details or contact us at [email protected] so that we can catch you soon with the best solution.

Build Your Own Power Wheelchair Rental Software With SpotnStay:

    About the author

    Steven Smith

    I am working as a Senior product developer and have developed and delivered Web and Mobile products for numerous clients.

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