How SpotnStay Water Ports Equipment Rental Software Allows You To Engage With Your Customers By Listing Out Different Equipments In Rental Business?

Nowadays, people use to go on vacation and get exotic to get into different sports and activities. When it comes to water sports, people use to rent the water spots equipment for a short period of time. The revenue growth of the water sports equipment is also higher than other rental businesses.

The steady growth rate of water sports equipment rental is 4.3% of CAGR and it is expected to grow even more at the end of 2026.

The survey shows that nearly 3.96 adults are used to practice at least one or more of boat activities. This shows there is no down in the water sports equipment rental business. But to start your own rental business, you’re in need of an application. This blog is all about the water sports equipment rental business. Keep reading to know how our software allows you to gain additional revenue.

How Water Sports Equipment Rental Software Generates High Revenue For Your Business?

There are several types of water sports equipment for rental but people mostly prefer these 6 as listed below

  1. Kayak gears – It is one of the most popular water sports that has been loved by many travelers. Kayak doesn’t have the required shape or size, they come in different sizes and shapes. It may also vary from region to region. If you’re interested in an idea to rent, kayak people are also in need of the gears. You can charge an additional fare for the gears.
  2. Stand up paddle boat – It is just like a kayak but as per the name the people have to stand up and paddle to sail from one location to another. Why is this added to the high revenue gain? People who are renting it from you,they are in need of the paddle and different types of life vests too. So that you’re allowed to add an extra charge for it.
  3. Snorkeling equipment – It is a curved plastic tube that allows the snorkelers to breathe through it. This one of the famous needed equipment in the aquatic region that helps people to admire aquatic creatures. To do snorkeling you’re in need of the mask and the required equipment to explore more in the aquatic.
  4. Surf equipment – Numerous people love to play surf in the water. It is also considered as one of the most loveable water sports for the decades. Surfboards come in different styles and sizes. It is according to the rentee body shape. So that you can fix the price according to the size and more than that surfer needed for surf wax too.
  5. Jetski equipment – It is one of the most moderate rides in water sports. If you want to travel around the ocean for a short period of time then you’re in need of the Jetski. This allows you and your partner to explore around the sea safely without any lack or issue. The fare is based on the duration so that it is considered as one of the high revenue gain equipment.
  6. Canoe equipment – It is one of the stylish ways to explore the sea by yourself this comes in handy with surf and paddle. A canoe comes in different styles and themes so that people are more attracted towards its size and shapes. Either one or two-person can do in a canoe the rent is also charged according to the hours.

The above mentioned are the 6 high revenue gain water sports equipment that is mostly preferred by the people. So by renting this 6 water sports equipment, you will be gaining more profit in a short period of time. Here, let me tell you about our rental software for water sports equipment rental service.

SpotnStay watersports equipment rental management software

SpotnStay is a pre-developed application with advanced features that allows you to enhance your customer’s experience. We provide you with unique user interfaces so that you can gain the attraction of your customers or renters quickly than before. If you check two to three rental applications, mostly everything will have the same user interfaces.

But by choosing us, you will be benefited from the latest user interfaces that give your users a good user experience. Once you are allowed to gain the user experience then it will be easy for you to gain high revenue in your rental business. So keeping that in mind our developers are developed and designed your application with the best UI/UX.

What else are you able to do with an application? You’re allowed to manage all your rental data and analyze your rental sales digital with an attractive graphical representation. Rather than that, you will get a centralized application so that in a single dashboard you can check all the process updates more quickly and take necessary actions according to it.

Once you are ready to adapt with our application you’re no need of any manager to manage your business or to maintain your business data. Everything has been made simpler than before with the latest technology so that you will get a smoother workflow. Here, let me share with you the SpotnStay revenue models that allow you to gain extra profit in your rental business.

SpotnStay flexible revenue scheme helps you to enhance your rental business

There are always two types of rental business model one is P2P rental and another is commission based. If you choose the P2P rental business model then there won’t be any other service provider than you. In simple words, no more third party involvement in the P2P rental model. 

If you choose a commission model then your application is going to act as a platform where the others can rent their water sports equipment in your application. You can get a commission for each booking and everything in-detail will be updated in your centralized dashboard. You can choose which one suits your cost. 

Here let me share with you the additional revenue models that let you gain additional revenue than commission and rental charge.

Equipment owner 

  1. Renter’s membership fare – You can cost your renter a membership fare annually or monthly according to your needs. With this scheme, you’re allowed to gain additional dollars than along with commission fare annually or monthly. 
  2. Premium listing fare – Premium listing fare allows them to list their equipment as the first or top as highly recommended equipment. Alike membership fares you can also cost it monthly or annually according to your requirement. 
  3. Advertisement fare – Once the renter wants to advertise his equipment he is allowed to advertise his equipment on a regular basis with additional charges. These charges can be fixed according to the seasonal time. 

Equipment renter 

  1. Rentee subscription fare – By adapting this the customers are allowed to get worthy offers on the regular basics. You can charge them monthly or annually according to your revenue model. This lets them get good equipment with good discounts and offers.
  2. Premium filter – Once the customer or the rentee is ready to pay the premium fare for the filtering option. They are allowed to get the exact equipment in good condition. This gives them accurate and best results only.

You can also tie-up with the hotels or restaurants by advertising their brand in your application allows you to get additional revenue and customers in your rental business. In the seasonal time, it will help you to gain worthy revenue than before. Here, let me share with you the advanced features that give you a smooth workflow in your rental business.

The advanced features that allow you to engage with your customers

  • Equipment inventory management – The renters are allowed to manage their inventory with just a tap. This feature also allows them to manage their equipment across single or multiple locations easily. Staying up to date with equipment accuracy is very important in the rental business. 
  • Quick renting – To make the rental process quick for the rentee, we have developed social media integration. This lets them to quick login and continue with your service. This provides a good user experience and consistent rental booking experience. This gradually enhances brand visibility in your region. 
  • Real-time equipment tracking – This feature lets the admin and the equipment owner to easily track the rentee and the rented water sports equipment. Normally the admin can also track and monitor all the users (renter and rentee) and their full details will be displayed on the centralized dashboard. 
  • Seamless payments option – Nowadays all the people are looking for cashless transfer because it gives them convenience. But still, there are people who prefer COD too so by keeping that in our mind our developers had integrated multi-payment options. This brings convenience for both the end players renter and rentee.
  • Equipment review – This is one of the important features that should be considered in the water sports equipment rental business. This brings transparency in your rental business by allowing the other users to know about the service provider’s equipment condition and their service. It also lets the service provider to improve their service.

The above mentioned are some of the advanced features that are readily available in your water sports equipment rental software. Once you join your hands with us, the required changes can be done according to your business model. This allows you to provide the best service to your users and to gain popularity among your region.

Bottom line

Water sports equipment rental business is one of the high revenue gain rental businesses in the current scenario. If you kick start your own rental business today in a short period you can gain your rental business goals. With the help of our software application, you can maximize your profit and enhance your brand. All you need to do is to fill the down listed form or contact us at [email protected] and we will reach you soon.

Create Your Own Water Sports Equipment Rental Software With SpotnStay:

    About the author

    Steven Smith

    I am working as a Senior product developer and have developed and delivered Web and Mobile products for numerous clients.

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