Build Ultimate Super Heroes Cosplay Costume Rental Business With Advanced Options Of SpotnStay Software

While there is more demand for the costumes in the seasonal period of time mostly during Halloween, many customers can blow their minds on the first impression or getting the exact costume. A set of packages can gather the customer’s attention.

  • On average 27.7% of people used to spend $201-400 of money on cosplay costumes and 21.6% of people used to spend more than $400. 

If you’re an enthusiastic entrepreneur who is looking to kick start a rental business in your region then you’re at the right place. If you start your own online cosplay costume rental business today, then you can easily succeed in the upcoming days by expanding your business across the seas. This blog is all about the cosplay costume rental service startup. 

What Brings The Great Demand For The Cosplay Costume Rental Software?

Cosplay is also known as costume play, this one of the most popular multimedia demanded businesses in today’s market. Generally, it is mainly focused around the events or special culture or series to gather the customer’s attention. They will be designing and creating the costume exactly like the original one.

So that people are mostly into cosplay on special events like comic con and Halloween. This hyper-detailed realistic costume lets the people own it for a certain period of time only because it is super fancy and it can’t be owned all the time. So people use to rent it for a certain duration and return it back once their need is accomplished. 

The survey shows that in terms of age of people from 22 to 38 are mostly falling for the cosplay costumes on a regular period of time. This shows the demands for cosplay in the youngsters living region. There many new cosplay designers have started their own rental business in the United States.

Here, let me share with you a few of the key status of cosplay according to the current scenario. In cosplayer industries, 64% of cosplayers are females with the age ranges between 23 to 39. On the other hand, 60% of the cosplayers are male around the same age as female cosplayers. 

Most of the cosplayers use to attend nearly 3 events per year and fewer are used to attend 5 or more. When it comes to designers, 25% of designers have years of experience in making the cosplay costumes at regular intervals. The demand for cosplay costumes is always high but you can increase the revenue even more with SpotnStay software.

Manage your rental orders with SpotnStay cosplay costume rental management software

Pre-developed rental management software is another way to succeed in the rental business. One such thing, SpotnStay software-based application, provides you at an affordable price. SpotnStay is an advanced software application with essential feature tools that let you develop and simplify your rental business than before. 

Due to the demand for rental management software and rental business in the digital marketplace. So that we have developed your rental application in such a way it gathers the attention of the customers from all over the region with the latest user interface design. The latest UI design gradually converts the rental application even more user-friendly for the end-users.

Moreover, our application also makes it more compatible, so that it can fit with all sizes of the devices. This gives easy access to all the users with any smartphone device without any cuts at the edge of the device screen. Other than the application design and pre-developed software with essential features, what will you benefit by choosing our service? 

Our team of experienced developers will be providing you the best technical support. This support takes place on any technical issues or the queries that you need to get clarified. We are available 24*7 so that you can contact us anytime and we are always ready to help you with wholeheartedness.

The benefits you will be gained by using SpotnStay rental management software as follows

  • Good Estimated Fare – Mostly many applications don’t provide a good estimated cost for the selected item or product. But by using our SpotnStay software application your service provider can estimate all types of rental calculations that take place in your rental process. That includes taxes, rental service charges, rented product charges, and rental maintenance fees.
  • User’s data management – When it comes to rental software applications, most people like to simplify their rental process with their adapted application but most of them are not getting it. In SpotnStay data management, you as an admin are able to manage all the user’s data and it can be managed easily.
  • Flexible price tags – As I mentioned before, our software is developed more flexible, you as an admin can fix the price tags and offers easily with just a few taps. So that, it won’t be the toughest job for the service providers. Other than that, the service providers are also able to change these tags at any time there is no limit for it.

The above listed are a few of the rental management application benefits that you will be getting in our rental software application. Here, let me list out a few of the essential feature tools that made your rental business easier with our application.

Essential tools that make your rental business more effective

  • Instant order booking – The customers who are in need of cosplay dresses on any special occasion can use this feature tool “social media integration” to a quick start with your cosplay costume rental application service. With the help of this social media integration, the customers can easily log in and share their rental experience with you on their social media. This provides a consistent booking experience for the customers that also enhances business visibility. 
  • Track and monitor the orders – In our software application system, the admin and the renter (service provider) can easily track and monitor the customer who has rented the costume from the respective owner. This process takes place in real-time so that there won’t be any lack of the tracking process. You as an admin can also track all the users either customers or service providers. Their full details will be displayed on the respective dashboard. 
  • Seamless multi-payment option – One such niche feature that lets the users pay or get paid for their rental easily through this tool. Yes, the customers who have rented the costumes from the respective service provider can pay their rent through multiple options. Either through online or cash, this enables transparency in your rental business as well as it improves the convenience of the customers. A digital bill will also be generated for both the end players for their verifications.
  • Review and feedback – To know about your service and service providers we have integrated this feature tool in your rental application. This also acts as one of the major tools that let your customers market for your rental business without any cost. Yes, the customers are allowed to post reviews about the rented service provider’s service and the delivery time. This also lets the other customers know about the respective service provider. The customers can also share this with their friends on social media that let the new customers place their orders.
  • Dashboard Management – Basically, the service providers are able to manage their dashboard by listing the different types of cosplay that are available with offers and without offers. This listing will display the full details of the particular costume as well as the review of it from the previous rented customer. In this dashboard, the service provider can also manage their customers who have rented and they can also send future offers and discounts to the old customers too.

How to generate the extra-revenue through the use of SpotnStay Software

  • Designer’s Membership – Service providers (Designers) have to pay a certain amount of cost to take part in your platform to rent their designed cosplay costumes. This amount/fare can be assigned by you as an admin either monthly or annually. This scheme acts as a basic plan so they will be getting a limited display list of their costumes. 
  • Special Offers and Discount Package – In our software, we are allowed to gain revenue from both the user’s customers as well as service providers. This scheme is for customers by getting modified to this scheme they will be getting worthy offers and discounts on each item even on the non-seasonal time.
  • Premium Filtering Package – As per the name, the filtering option has transformed into a premium once the customer pays for this scheme. They are allowed to get the exact results and the best service in this premium filtering option. This gradually reduces the searching time. The customer who wants the instant best solution can easily get to it.
  • Premium Display – This is a premium package for the service providers who want additional listing storage to gain more bookings. This lets the service provider list their rental cosplay costumes without limits. By getting adapted to this plan, the customers can get everything from one service provider itself that increases your revenue. 
  • Timing Promotion Banner – Cosplay costumes are mostly in need of the seasonal time but on non-seasonal times also some kids are in need of it for parties as well as school events. So by getting modified to these schemes, the service provider can market their products easily with just a few taps. 

Bottom line

The amount of cosplay spent is based on the costume they have displayed, so by listing all the dresses. The customers make their choices by getting adapted to the SpotnStay software. You will be getting one such solution to list and reach your customer’s expectations easily with the help of our software application. 

Everyone has different business demands here you can reach us by filling your demands on the form below or contact us at [email protected] and we will reach you soon.

Build Your Cosplay Costume Rental Software With SpotnStay:

    About the author

    Steven Smith

    I am working as a Senior product developer and have developed and delivered Web and Mobile products for numerous clients.

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