Build A Luxury Wedding Equipment Rental Business With SpotnStay Rental Management Software For A Good Revenue Growth

Whether throwing a corporate party nor a wedding, we are in need of high-quality equipment to make the party look more luxurious. We want every event to be more proper and the guest should feel more comfortable with their seats. To enhance the guest experience, the equipment may cost high for holding a luxurious party or a wedding.

With the help of a wedding equipment rental, it can make it more affordable and make your event look more luxurious. This blog is all about the wedding equipment rental business and wedding equipment rental management software. At the end of the blog, you will get a clear idea of how to earn more revenue in the rental business.

Start A High Demand Wedding Equipment Rental Business Today To Double The Business Growth

Holding a big fabulous wedding would be a dream for every single person today but sparing for it is quite tough. Yes, planning a big wedding will be more costly than we expect but it can be compensated with the wedding equipment rental. Rather than buying the new equipment for the wedding, you can rent those products to make the wedding more luxurious at an affordable price.

There are many retailers who are renting the wedding equipment but they are hidden at the corner of the street or unknown in the region. This is one of the main reasons for the rental business loss. To run a rental business successfully, the renter wants visibility among the region to increase the bookings.

The market survey shows that there is a growth of 6% in CAGR in the forecasting period of wedding equipment. Make your wedding equipment rental business more luxurious with suitable rental management software to enhance the booking experience and you can easily gain visibility.

Today the commercial rental management software is taking the rental market to the next level. The ability to automate tracking of the rented products and maintain the customer’s data seamline the rental management software in 2020. A digital solution helps the host to trace their customer and updating the instant offers made simple. 

How SpotnStay rental management software makes your business more luxurious?

Once the rental owner gets adapted with an application-based rental software for their business. It allows the host to explore the unknown resources and helps to look beyond the rental boundaries for the higher revenue gain. SpotnStay rental management software simplifies the rental task therefore the host can concentrate on the other activities. 

In SpotnStay wedding equipment rental management software, you will be benefited from the additional revenue schemes to boost your profits. Our software provides you many benefits to the host, renter and the customers. We have designed the application in such a way to meet the end-players needs easily.

The admin and the service provider are able to increase the customer’s loyalty easily with the enhanced software service one such thing is available in SpotnStay. Still, if you’re not satisfied here let me share with you a few benefits that simplify your traditional rental business and enhance the booking experience. 

Boom in the rental business with SpotnStay attributes 

  • Maintenance tracking – Some of the renters have a thought there is no need for maintenance in the rental service. Since people are using it in a regular period of time, there won’t be any lack. Mostly, without the scheduled maintenance, the equipment will lose its quality and results in poor customer experience. 

With the help of the software application, you won’t forget about the maintenance date or period. Yes, our application software will intimate the renter about the maintenance period at a regular interval of time gradually. The process improves the wedding equipment life period and increases the customer’s satisfaction.

  • More payment options – Though we are living in 2020, many people still prefer direct cash payment. But still many of them use the cashless payment transfer option (online payment option). We can’t force the customers to pay for the service through only online or direct cash.

Sometimes customers prefer either option, so we have developed this more payment option for the customers. They can pay for their rented products either through online or direct cash, this option can be chosen before renting it from the service providers. This feature gives full flexibility to the customers to choose their payment options. 

  • Data tracking and report generation – A regular tracking of the data is the best practice in the rental business. If you run an average rental business means, you’re able to track all your data and report manually but in the seasonal time, you’re unable to. With the help of an application, you can easily over check the data and reports. 

In SpotnStay wedding equipment rental software, you’re able to track all the data and generate the rental reports flawlessly with the help of this feature. You’re able to maintain your financial reports and track your business growth by comparing it with the previous rented data for the improvement. 

  • Smooth offers and discounts updates –  In the rental business, customers are mostly preferred for the worthy offers and discounts in the seasonal and nonseasonal times too. These offers and discounts are also considered as one of the strategies to make the customers rent the wedding equipment in a low period. 

Mostly, not all customers are getting the right offers and discounts or sometimes these offers are hidden to the potential customers. To overcome those issues, this feature helps the service providers to communicate the customers about the current offers and discounts seamlessly without any issues.

In SpotnStay rental management software, you’re able to get adapted with a commission-based business model or peer to peer business model. Yes, our application software is more flexible and it is suitable for both the types of business models. The revenue schemes are different according to it.

Additional metrics to gain more revenue from the first start 

If you’re already an entrepreneur who is owning a rental store then you’re adaptable for the peer to peer business model. This business model lets you increase your wedding rental business revenue with additional schemes. In this, you will be playing as a hots and service provider there won’t be any third party involvement.

  • Customer’s special offer subscription – There are few customers who are looking for additional offers and discounts on each equipment. They mostly rent the equipment rapidly, this revenue scheme is for that kind of customer. You’re able to charge them the subscription fee at a regular interval of time.
  • Advanced wedding equipment filter – This is an additional subscription pack for the customers who want the best service in a short period of time. They are able to unlock this advanced filter option in your application and make use of it to filter the equipment according to their rating and price.
  • In-app event planner’s service marketing – Since you’re renting the wedding equipment, you can tie-up with the event planner for the additional revenue. In this scheme, the event planners have to pay for their service advertisement in your application. This brings visibility among the customers about the event planner’s service.

If you’re not an entrepreneur till now but looking to be a one then this business model is for you. You can create a platform to connect the renters and the customers. In this business model, you will be gaining the revenue as a commission for each booking. This is considered an easy business model and you’re able to earn a bit extra than the p2p model.

  • Service provider’s membership – If the person who wants to use your platform to rent their wedding equipment, then they have to pay for the membership. Once they are in pain, they are able to create a renter profile to rent their equipment on your platform. Since it is a basic plan, they can’t list more equipment.
  • Unlock the premium listing – To list more equipment, the service provider has to get adapted to this scheme. They have to pay for this scheme or upgrade their profile with this scheme easily. This helps them to list more equipment therefore the customers are able to rent everything from one respective service provider. 
  • Service advertisement – If the service provider wants to advertise their service, then they have to pay for the advertisement cost to the admin. Once they are eligible, they are able to advertise their service among in-app itself. This brings viability among the customers and lets the customers book your equipment easily.

Final say 

Take the full advantage of SpotnStay rental management software to restructure your wedding equipment rental service startup. In this competitive world, earning expected revenue is harder but with SpotnStay wedding equipment rental management software you’re able to earn additional revenue easily. 

Our application is more customizable therefore if you have any changes in the above-mentioned business model or features, please let us know in the below form. By filling the below form or reach us at [email protected], let us know your queries and give you the right solution.

Build Your Own Wedding Equipment Rental Software With SpotnStay:

    About the author

    Steven Smith

    I am working as a Senior product developer and have developed and delivered Web and Mobile products for numerous clients.

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